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Why so much Gymnastics?

We have had a few questions around why we are doing so much gymnastics. We understand that you are all on different levels and you can’t all just jump around doing handstands and pull ups and muscle ups and so on. We would like to explain why we are programming so much gymnastics at the moment but there is more than one reason for this.

Firstly, gymnastics movements at there most basic level, we are talking hollow position, arch position, rolling, hanging, jumping, are to help all of our members be more aware of their body in space. What we mean by that is if you are strong through the core and are aware of your body position while swinging from a bar you will know when to hit arch position and hollow position and you will also know when to time your pull for a pull up or your leg drive for a toe to bar. If you don’t have this core strength and awareness you will either struggle to initiate a swinging motion or be unable to control your swing and that is a big problem with dynamic movements.

Secondly, not many gyms around here are even the least concerned with this part of fitness, which means a lot of people won’t even get to experience this or improve on it. At SPC you are given the opportunity to improve all aspects of fitness and then from there, you can make the decision if it is something you want to commit to and get better at or if it isn’t for you.

Which brings us to our third and most important point. CrossFit is for everyone. Sessions are all scaled to ability which means if you are good at gymnastics and interested in it you go through the prescribed session. If you are struggling with gymnastics but keen to get better we give you other stretches, strength based or dynamic based movements to help you improve your gymnastics. If gymnastics is putting you off for whatever reason think about is as an upper body strength session and we will construct the session around you improving your upper body strength and still getting a good workout when you are in. Having more core strength and body awareness will help you lift that weight you haven’t been able to lift but it will also give you the strength and courage to run down that rocky hill faster next time you are in a race.

Don’t be discouraged by some of the harder movements we do. The program is put together to both challenge the very fit members and also be scaled to cater for members who struggle with certain parts of their fitness. We can’t all be at the same stage of our fitness journey.

We are not trying to make you all olympic gymnasts even if it might feel like that sometimes. We are giving you the tools for you to improve across the board both with weights and bodyweight movements.




Friday 20/4/18

Gymnastics Conditioning:

13-11-9-7-5-4 of


Pull Ups

MetCon: Annie


Double Unders

Sit Ups