We have had some enquires about another round of SPC Barbell Club. There will be another round before winter is over but there will be a short break after this current round before we start another. Keep up to date on our website for more info on when we start again.
Also we are looking to start more Specialty Programs. We have set them up but would like some input from you guys about what you would like to see next. Let us know what specialty program you would prefer to see starting up first.
- Kettlebell
- Aerobic Capacity
- Strength
- Gymnastics
Wednesday 15/8/18
MetCon: 12 min EMOM
1st: 5 TTB & 10 Goblet Lunges 24/16kg
2nd: 5 TTB & 10 Goblet Squats
3rd: 15 KB Swings
4th: 7 KB Push Press (each arm)
Straight Into 3 Rounds for Time
10 Goblet Lunges
10 Goblet Squats
15 KB Swings
7 KB Push Press (right arm)
7 KB Push Press (left arm)