Welcome to new members we hope you are enjoying your training again and having fun trying some new movements. There will plenty of new stuff coming your way so make sure you soak it up as much as possible. Also make sure you have a couple days rest every week so you don’t run yourself down. Remember its a long term training plan. You don’t have to be great at everything straight away. It will take time and just let it take time. Work on technique for now and all the heavy weights and gymnastic skill will come in due course. Great to have you all onboard
Thursday 5/7/18
Strength: Strict Press
2 x 5 @ 75%
2 x 3 @ 85%
1 x 1 @ 90%
MetCon: For Time
1.2km Run
100 Goblet Lunges 24/16kg
800m Run
50 Single Arm DB Hang Clean & Jerk 22.5/15kg
400m Run
(30 min Time Cap)