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2016-08-26 12.17.24

I am absolutely pumped to be starting up this week. We have waited a long time for this to come together. On more than one occasion it looked like it was never going to happen. The few people I have been talking to over the last year can contest to that. I had a lot of different ideas flying around on how I could make this work, some were better than others, which the people I confided in can contest to. There are many people who will need a special mention but they all deserve their own post so you will have to stay tuned for them:) I have been blown away by the positive feedback from the free week classes and all the people who turned up ready to train and join in on the banter.

As for the classes we will be offering: We have our normal program which will be called Metcon for obvious reasons, but don’t worry affiliation is being worked on:)

The other program is called GPP and is more of a general circuit class very inclusive and great for new people.

Metcon classes:

Monday-Friday 6-7am , 12.10-12.50pm , 5.30-6.30pm

Saturday 8-9am , 9-10am

GPP classes:

Monday-Thursday 6.30-7.30pm

Sunday 10am

I hope all this makes sense and if you have any questions you know I’m always happy to listen. The website will have all info for you www.southernpeakfitness.co.nz and you can email me at:  [email protected]

I will finish with an insignificant but very genuine Thank you which satisfies no one but says everything. it has been incredible seeing you all helping out getting this place up and running and i am truly grateful.



WOD 29/08/16

Strength: 6RM Deadlift

For Time:

400m Run

15 CTB Pull ups

15 Burpees

400m Run

12 CTB Pull ups

12 Burpees

400m Run

6 CTB Pull ups

6 Burpees

400m Run

3 CTB Pull ups

3 Burpees

There will be scaling options for everyone who need it