A huge thank you to all who gave a hand over the weekend. We got heaps done and it is starting to look like a gym now. Still a bit to be done but am hoping to get most of it out of the way this week. We will get a plumper in early next year to sort out our new showers and toilets. I can’t wait to see the gym finished or at least close to, because there will always be things to change or improve on.
The Rig should be ready for use later this week, just a couple of things to do to lock it in place. There is still a bit of tidying up to do but should be too much of a worry. The floor space will be clear to train on so make sure to still turn up to classes. Remember to check out the time table on Facebook or on last weeks posts. The easiest way to keep up to date is reading the daily blog.
Marcus is away on holiday for the week so I will be running the classes. I am sure he will have a good relaxing week and be fizzing to come back soon to get involved again.
Monday 12/12/16
Strength: 10 min EMOM:
3 Power Cleans – 3 Front Squats – 3 Push jerks 80/50kg
WOD: For Time:
KB Swings 24/16
*50 Double Unders after each round
Accessory Work:
Accumulate 3 min Prone Hold
Accumulate 2 min in the bottom of a Goblet Squat (AHAP)