Strength work is hard and in the cold it gets even harder. This means at some sessions you might need to spend a little more time warming up before you start the strength part of your session. This could be in the form of going for a light jog followed by some more dynamic stretches. It could also be following some simple guidelines set out by the coach in charge. We don’t want anyone to feel pressured to start lifting too early in the class. If you don’t feel ready tell the coach and they will help you warm up more before you address the barbell.
Do not feel like you are holding up the class, because you are not. We are here to help you with your strength and fitness which means staying injury free and having fun at every class. It is easy for us to give you some guidance for a longer warm up and checking someone else’s squat technique at the same time. It will be easier for the coach if you ask them to help you out because then we know who is doing what and we can manage our time accordingly. It is harder for us to help when people just try and do their own session. The coach is there for you, so use them.
This is especially important now that the strength sets are going up. It will take some time to get through and it will be hard so make sure you are ready to squat when you start your sets. Do not try to get ready for squats by just squatting more. Your knees and hips will hate you.
Monday 27/8/18
Strength: Back Squats
5 x 8 (Building in weight)
30-50 Double Unders after each set
MetCon: For Time
50 Burpees
50 Wall Balls