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Tuesday Topic: You don’t need to be fit to start with us

By November 22, 2016Uncategorized

I often hear ” I’ll start when I get a bit fitter” and I am thinking “what do you mean”? The whole idea about starting to train with us is so you get fit. It is about you developing an overall level of health and fitness so you look good and feel good. I doesn’t matter if you can’t do all the movements straight away or that you can’t keep up with the fittest in the gym. It doesn’t matter if you are the slowest in the class because why? because those are the people we help the most. When new people come into the gym they are welcomed by positive people who want them to feel jus as good as they do we don’t judge you if there are movements you can’t do or if you are not as fit as others, we help you through it so you become one of the fit ones. More importantly, you have a great time training with others and you stay positive in or outside the gym.

Popele have to remember that current members also had issues with different aspects of fitness when they started but they overcame them. These people are only so fit because they have been members for a while and they work super hard when they are in the gym. They earned their level of fitness just like you will after you have attended regular classes for a period of time.

All you have to do is turn up have fun and the rest will take care of itself. The more you train the faster you find a goal and then things will really take shape:)




Tuesday 22/11/16


Every 2 min for 12 min

High Hang Squat Clean – Hang Squat Clean – Low Hang Squat Clean

Focus on technique, not weight

WOD: 4 Rounds for Time

100 Double Unders

25 Burpees

25 KB Swings 24/16kg