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Tuesday Topic: When to go Heavy

Lifting heavy weight is fun and it feels good to show how much weight you can lift. Strength is a big part of our programming because its important people are strong enough to do whatever is required of them in or outside the gym. However there are times where it is not only about how much weight you can lift but how fast you can get a workout done. In that case it is in your best interest to decrease the weight and make sure you can get all the work done fast.

Intensity is a big part of fitness. “It is the independent variable most commonly associated with maximizing the rate of return on favorable adaptation” – Greg Glassman. Intensity is a conversation on its own but my point here is, if you are trying to do a wod where the weight is too heavy the intensity will drop and you will get less out of that particular workout.

We see it especially when members are keen to go RX on a particular workout even if it means they will be unreasonably slow for the particular wod. It is important that you follow the coaches advise as they will know exactly what they want all members to get out of a particular wod. People who fear intensity will normally try to go heavier in a wod to slow themselves down which will make a wod more comfortable. This however is a mistake and will not lead to an increased level of fitness but rather hinder your progress.

You can do heavy wods, as it is part of fitness to handle heavy weights under some fatigue, but even in that case the weight should still allow for relative intensity to be reached.

A rule of thumb for a heavy wod: You should at least be able to do steady singles with the weight, for it to be close to appropriate.

If you are unsure, ask the coach before starting the wod.


Tuesday 4/10/16

Strength: 5 x 1 Strict Press

Sets 1-2 @ 75%

Sets 3-4 @ 85%

Set 5 @ 95%

WOD: 20 min EMOM

Death By Burpee:

First min 1 burpee, second min 2 brupees and so on

If you fail a round, perform a 200 min penalty run and continue with the last successful rep count and stick to that every min for the remainder of the workout.


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