When setting goals you need to be SMART about it. A goal should be
- Specific – The goal has to be specific to you and what you want to achieve. Whether it is about health, fitness, work or family. The more detail you can put on the goal the easier it is to make a plan to reach it.
- Measurable – It is important that you are able to measure the goal. That way you will have a better understanding if you are moving towards the goal or further away. If your goal is fitness orientated it could be a faster Fran time. It is easy to measure if you are getting closer to your goal by seeing if you have become better at thrusters and pull ups and if your Fran time has become faster over time.
- Achievable – You need to be able to achieve the goal in a timely fashion. When you have set your goal, you begin to think of abilities, skills and the attitude it takes to achieve your goal. When creating simple steps to achieve your goal it suddenly becomes clearer and a goal that seemed to hard to reach suddenly seems achievable. not because you made it easier but because you have improved over time and that makes it achievable.
- Realistic – You need to have a realistic goal. It needs to show progress. There is a balancing act though in making sure the goal is realistic but still you have to work hard to get it. it can however not be too easy as you will lose motivation to reach it.
- Time-Lined – There needs to be a deadline for reaching the goal to make sure you are held accountable for keeping up with improvements and working hard at every session.
Goals are important as they make sure we keep moving forward and trying to become better people. With SMART goals you have a better way of keeping track of current goals and making sure you achieve them in a timely fashion and then move on to the next goal. Making sure you always have a goal you want to achieve is important as it will motivate you to keep going especially when you have a bad day.
As Louie Simmons said so eloquently “Without a plan, you plan to fail”
Tuesday 18/10/16
Strength: 5 x 5 Strict Press
Set 1-2 @ 65% + 2.5-5kg
Set 3-4 @ 75% + 2.5-5kg
Set 5 @ 85% + 2.5-5kg
3 Rounds for time (10 min Time cap)
30 Wall Balls 9/6kg (can scale to 20 Wall Balls)
100 Double Unders (can scale to 50 DU or 200 SU)
At 12 min
Run 1.2 km (600m x 2)