Congratulations to Tom and Raph who got their first muscle ups yesterday.
The best thing about our community is they all trust our program to be the best thing for them and their fitness. They turn up to regular classes, work hard and they are seeing the improvements. . We make sure we cover all bases over a certain timeframe but we don’t try to cram every single exercise into a week of work. We make sure our program is tailored as best we can to our community and we make sure all weaknesses are addressed at some point.
If you follow the program over the course of your time with us, you will see huge changes for the better. If you feel your particular weakness is not being addressed right now, don’t worry because over time we will get there. Work on what is presented to you and everything will improve as we move forward.
As our members do more and more classes and are exposed to all aspects of fitness like the gymnastics movements or weight lifting we encourage them to try out sports. The coolest thing about being fit is being able to use that fitness.
Saturday 10/09/16
Partner WOD: 8 Rounds for Time
10 Burpee Box Jump 24/20′
15 KB swings 32/24kg
200 m Run
12 TTB
16 BB Thrusters 20/15kg
20 Wall Balls 9/6kg
24 V-ups
Scale as needed
Make sure you stay up-to-date with everything that is happening at the gym by reading blog posts and checking Facebook. We would hate for anyone to miss out on anything. As always when in doubt ASK:)