Most if not all of you have been good at going with my recommendation of training through the Open. It seems simple enough but you can get caught up in the spectacle of the competition and forget about your longterm goals. It is important to sometimes take a step back and look at what you are achieving and how you are going about it. Every week this competition will, like CrossFit in general, expose things you need to work on so it is vitally important that you take this information onboard and instead of getting angry and avoiding it make it a point to turn up to the classes where your weaknesses are programmed. It will of course make you are fitter person but more importantly it will give your training purpose and the sense of purpose in something as simple as training will hopefully filter through into your life and you will start having a clearer idea of what is important in your life right now, family, career, getting healthy, finish your degree etc. As training goals do, life goals will change as well, so drawing inspiration from how you conduct yourself at the gym will help you in other aspects of your life. But back to my first point I wanted to make. We are getting closer to testing week so make sure you start thinking about all the heavy weights you need to lift and Fran and Diane :)) and oh yea, Keep training through the Open:)
Friday 17/3/17
Strength Wod: 10-8-6-4-2
Deadlift 140/95kg
Strict HSPU
Accessory Work: 4 Rounds of
10 Strict TTB
10 Front Rack Reverse Lunges (AHAP)
10 Weighted Ring Dips