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Time to Sign Up for our In-house Comp 19/8

Sorry about the late post, unfortunately my charger melted Sunday arvo while trying to charge my laptop after all this CrossFit Games watching:) How good was the Games though.

I would like to know who will be competing in our in house competition on the 19th. We are starting at 9am. Please get hold of me to sign up:) Only $10 per person. It will be a very cool day. Let me know if you want to compete but unsure what division you are in (RX or Scaled)

We still have just one spot left for our weight lifting program starting 15/8. get in now if you want to join. $120 per person for 6 weeks.

Our outdoor program is starting up again this tuesday 6am at the Caledonian. Feel free to turn up and try it out if you are keen to try something new with your training.

We have plenty of things on this month so make sure you stay up to date on our website and Facebook




Monday 7/8/17

Skill: Push ups/Handstand Push ups

4 min EMOM:

5 Strict HSPU

Straight into

4 min EMOM

10 Kipping HSPU

Straight into

4 min EMOM

15 Push ups

WOD: 12 min AMRAP

9 Deadlift 70/50kg

18 Sit Ups