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Time to Order your new Apparel…GO!

By February 16, 2018Uncategorized

We have sorted out our new line of AS Colour Apparel to offer to you all.

Mens Tee: Paper

Women’s Tee: Wafer

Unisex Muscle Tee: Barnard

Unisex Hoodie: Index Zip Hoodie

If you are unsure of size go down to the AS Colour shop and try sizes to find the right fit.

Prices are the same:

Tee’s and Muscle Tee’s : $35

Hoodies: $60

Colours are Navy and light Grey.

Way of payments are online banking with apparel in the reference or bring cash into the gym. Make sure the coach you tell have written down correct: Apparel, Size, and ticked you off as Paid or Unpaid.




Friday 16/2/18

MetCon: Chipper

45 Thrusters 40/30kg

45 Sit Ups

45 Box Jumps 24/20′

45 Wall Balls 9/6kg

45 Box Jumps

45 Sit Ups

45 Thrusters