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We have a bunch of cool new things happening at the gym and most of the dates have been set. So to make sure you are on top of things here is a short list for you to put on the fridge:)

  • Monday 31/7 3.45pm:  CrossFit Teens Program

Turn up to learn more about the program. Feel free to bring your kids and friends in for this first session to see what it is all about. $10/week. Sessions are Monday and Friday 3.45pm. If you finish school a little late feel free to turn up still, we are more than happy to help you out.

  • Tuesday 15/8 6.30pm:  Second round of Olympic Lifting Club

Learn more about how to lift correctly to stay strong and safe during CrossFit classes. Open to members and non-members. $120 for six weeks. Sessions are Tuesday and Thursday 6.30pm

  • In House Competition Saturday 26/8 10am:  Our first Individual Competition

There will be more divisions than before. RX & Scaled Male/Female – – RX & Scaled 40+ Male/Female 

I will be happy to put out some guidelines for what division you should join in on but experience shows it only really comes down to a couple of exercises. If you are in doubt contact me. I know every members level of fitness so I can easily recommend a division for you.




Thursday 27/7/17

WOD: For Time:

100 Double Unders

50 Sit Ups

2 min Rest

10 Rounds of:

5 Thrusters 40/30kg

5 Burpee over Bar

2 min Rest

100 Double Unders

50 Sit Ups