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We believe the most value we bring to our members is in doing our own programming. Nobody knows our members strengths and weaknesses more than we do so before and after each training cycle we evaluate how they are all tracking and the program reflects that. We have already been through a lot of focus areas this year and yesterday was a great example of how strong our members are getting, not only with the barbell but also with gymnastics/bodyweight movements.

On reflection, the few areas we need to improve on as a gym are confidence in the bottom position of squats so there will be plenty of paused reps on Back, Front & Overhead Squats to help this change.

Our monthly gymnastic focus has been working really well so we will continue this through the rest of the year. However, we will start including more strict gymnastics/bodyweight movements to help members upper body strength and shoulder health.

Lastly, the MetCons (AMRAP, EMOM, Chipper etc.). The main point we strive to get across to all of our members is, hit the workout with the intended purpose. RX is a guide for us to track members progress. It is NOT an expectation or target. If you need to scale from what RX is, who cares, the main thing is you get the right stimulus so you can keep following the program throughout the week, month etc. If you make a 7 min stinger take 20 min cause you were too stubborn to scale you will completely miss out on training that energy system. If you use a weight that is too heavy you will overload your central nervous system too much and the actual strength sessions later in the week will be wasted. Too much or too intense work will break you down and you will need to take unplanned time off to recover.

Make you fast workouts FAST, you steady tempo workouts STEADY TEMPO, your light workouts LIGHT & your heavy work HEAVY and you will be recovered and ready to take on each session with the intended purpose.


Tuesday 020719

Strength: E2M for 10 min

2 Power Cleans + 1 Split Jerk (build in weight)

@ 12:00

E2M for 6 min

3 Deadlift (build in weight)

@ 20:00

For Time:

100 KB Swings 24/16kg

Every time you break perform a 200m Run