Your new training cycle is starting today and it calls for a lot more reps than you have done in awhile so start light and make sure you focus on dialing in technique before going up in weight. When in doubt pick the lighter of the weights you were thinking of using. Also all the strength movements are not programmed as EMOMs which means you need to be on to it so you don’t take too much time between exercises. Yes, of course you need your rest to make sure you can perform each set to the best of your ability but since we haven’t done a lot of super sets for our strength work before please be aware that you cant take as long as you normally can between sets and that is the point as well for this cycle. So buy into it and make the most of this type of training. You will reap all the benefits if you commit to the process
Monday 30/7/18
Strength: Back Squat
3 x 10 building in weight
Do 10-20 Push ups between each set
MetCon: 4 Rounds for Time
200m Run
20 KB Swings 24/16kg
200m Run