We had a few members who ran the Queenstown half marathon over the weekend. What a huge achievement from you all, it is great to see you are using your fitness to achieve your goals.
Megan enjoyed running the half but she’s still a bit stiff & sore but she will be back at boot camp Thursday fantastic work Megan
Estrella has been a big fan of running for a few years now and it is amazing to see how she wants to be a good role model for her son and inspire him and just be able to live life to the fullest.
Jimmy had been training super hard for this race and it was great to follow his race online and as everyone else we are very proud to see him finish this very tough race. he will be back at boot camp soon so we can all congratulate him and it will probably involve a few burpees.
Letty felt a bit undercooked but her and Estrella are using this race to prepare for Kepler in 2 weeks. The Queenstown race has some of the most amazing and beautiful scenery -great way to see other parts of the country. Letty and strella both doing Kepler and then shot over moonlight marathon which will be the ultimate test in Feb. of next year.
letty and estrella were back at boot camp this morning and Arvan and Heath Lettys sons have been regulars at boot camp for a while now.
Monday 23/11/16
WOD: 21 min EMOM:
1st: 8 TTB & 10 Push ups
2nd: 15 Box Jumps 24/20′
3rd: 10 DB Thruster (AHAP)
Note: For this particular wod you will need to scale the exercise as we need you to stick with the rep count to get the right stimulus.