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The Importance of Accessory Work

By November 1, 2017Uncategorized

We program at least one accessory workout per week. This session is to specifically even out muscle imbalances. If you have one side much stronger than the other it can affect the way you do all lifting and gymnastic bar work. Pulling, pressing or squatting off center or unevenly can have serious consequences for your back especially. Any unwanted twisting or tilting of the hips and/or back will put tremendous stress on your lower back and can cause serious injury if not corrected, especially if it is done with heavy weights I.E. weight lifting or with momentum I.E. gymnastic movements like muscle ups.

We use a series of Dumbbell movements to force both sides of your body to work evenly through pressing and pulling movements. We also utilize a range of core exercises to improve your core strength and stability. Single arm and leg movements are another great tool to combat imbalances which we also use during these accessory workouts.

We love pushing our members to work hard but we also know the importance of slowing things down and making sure all our members are capable of holding good body position during any exercise. Consistancy of mechanics always comes before intensity.




Wednesday 1/11/17

Strength: Bench Press

3 x 3 @105% of 5RM

Accessory Work

15 min EMOM

1st: 12 DB Floor Press

2nd: 45 sec Prone Hold

3rd: BB Bentover Row