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The Apparel Has Arrived

By November 18, 2016Uncategorized


All the apparel is at the gym, make sure you come in and pick it up ASAP and bring cash if you haven’t paid for it yet. It is looking super cool and it would be awesome to see the logo around town:) For all you jealous about not having ordered any and now want to buy some. Get hold of me and we will put another big order in before christmas but get in fast.

Next training cycle starts this coming week so make sure to commit to the next 12 weeks of regular training to get all the benefits of all the aspects of fitness that we will be testing. I am sure there will be something for everybody to work on. Looking forward to this one and so should you




Friday 17/11/16


5 x 5 Weighted Pull Ups

SS w/ 5-10 Kipping HSPU (Strict if possible) or 3 Wall Climbers

EMOM: 10 min

3 Hang Power Snatches

3 Overhead Squats

(Focus on technique not weight)

WOD: 7 min AMRAP

30 Double Unders

10 Alt DB Snatches 20/10kg  (RX+ Squat Snatch)