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Thank you for an amazing weekend

The Fundraiser Comp was amazing. Thank you so much to all the athletes who threw down on Saturday. You all did brilliant and I hope you all enjoyed yourselves. Thank you to all the people who came out to support all the athletes. It was awesome to have everyone help out on the day with judging and changing gear for each event. It was so great having everyone wanting to give a hand even though you had to focus on competing as well. It just goes to show how awesome our community is. We had Kara there taking professional photos and we will be posting a few of them as they are ready. I got a bit of video as well which I posted on Facebook and Instagram. It was a great atmosphere all morning.

It was awesome hanging out with all of you for a beer in the evening as well. Great to just sit back and relax over a few drinks with great people. That is what I appreciate the most about this place.

I will be leaving for Denmark early this week so Marcus and Joe will be running the classes. If you have any questions and concerns just grab hold of them and again I am only a message away:)

If you are interested in following our trip just visit my private Facebook page and Instagram. The only things I will post on Southern Peak CrossFit pages from our trip is visits to other CrossFit boxes.

Important reminder that our Time Table will only have:

6am, 12.10pm & 5.30pm classes Monday-Friday. 9am Saturday and 10am Sunday

The Oly Lifting Program will be moved to 6.30pm for the remainder of the program. All participants have also be notified by Joe.




Monday 12/6/17

Strength: Front Squats

3 x 3 @ 90-95%

WOD: 3 Rounds for Time

21 KB Swings 24/16kg

15 TTB

9 Box Jumps 30/24′