We asked for feedback the other day and we got heaps so thank you very much. It looks like you are all happy with the way things are going which is awesome to hear, if you disagree with that you are more than welcome to voice your opinion as we can only go by the feedback we get from all of you. If you gave us direct feedback you should have received a reply from us now. If you gave us anonymous feedback I hope you get your answer in the way we continue to help all of you and conduct ourselves professionally.
A couple of reminders:
- The Apparel is at the gym so please come and collect it when you have paid for it.
- We have only got 9 spots left for our first round of SPC Barbell Club. If you are keen to improve your olympic weightlifting you need to sign up for this program.
Thursday 19/4/18
Strength: Squat Cleans
1 x 3 @ 60,65 & 70%
3 x 1 @ 75%
Barbell Conditioning: In pairs
5 min AMRAP
5 Front Squats 70/50kg
3 min Rest
5 min AMRAP
200m Sprint Relay