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We are into Testing Week and we hope you have all recovered well and you are ready to hit it hard this week. Let’s see some great results and hopefully a few PR’s. But as always we are looking for improvements from week 1 of this program not necessarily an all time PR. The longer you train for the harder it is to get all time PR’s so don’t get hung up on that. Work hard and work towards seeing improvements from week 1 that is your number one goal. Good Luck everyone




Monday 23/7/18

Strength: Paused Front Squats

build to a 1RM with a 3sec pause at the bottom

MetCon: 16 min EMOM

1st: 15 KB Swings 24/16kg

2nd: 10 Sit Ups & 30 DU

3rd: 14 DB Snatches 22.5/15kg

4th: 200m Run