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We are moving into testing week for Squat, Deadlift and Press. It will be very interesting to see how much stronger you have all become over the past 8 weeks.

Testing weeks are important because not only will you see where you are at at this point in time but more importantly you will have a clear picture of where to go from here. While we always try to focus on overall fitness, strength is an important part of fitness and we have been focusing a bit more on it for this training cycle. Make sure you commit to this weeks sessions and get the most out of the max strength testing sessions. For the students who have gone on holiday already make sure you find a gym at home and get your testing lifts in to finish this training cycle off. It would be a shame not to find what your maxes really are as most strength training works from a % system and without clear numbers these percentages will be inaccurate and wont help you improve.

With the amount of times we have told you to know your numbers, I hope you have recorded your old testing numbers so you can see how much you have improved. In case you haven’t I can, this one time, help you out but we do highly recommend you record and keep strength numbers and times of wods for future comparisons.




Monday 31/10/16

Strength: Deadlift Testing

Option 1: Find you 1RM Deadlift

Option 2: Work on technique in singles

WOD: 5 Rounds For Time

200m Run

15 Burpees

15 KB Swings 32/24kg