Max has been a member for a long time and has made steady changes to improve all aspects of his fitness. Originally signing up to get an outlet for his competitive side after he took a break from playing rugby. Knowing he wanted to try competing in CrossFit, Max has been working really hard this year honing his gymnastics skills to a point where he can do everything thats being asked of CrossFit athletes at the moment. Being one of the bigger guys, barbell work isn’t a problem, but weightlifting is a long game so small improvements to technique over the next while will help him. Even though this will be Max’s first big competition, he is calm and will thrive when he gets on the competition floor. It will be a great stepping stone for what will hopefully lead to many more comps.
Thursday 101019
Skill work on RMU, Snatch and C&J
MetCon: SPC Benchmark #1
3 Snatches 80/55kg
6 Clean & Jerks
Scale to finish the workout in less than 15 min