I’m so happy that we have successfully shifted locations to 36 Ward St over the weekend and as I said on Facebook yesterday you will be reading a lot of familiar stories about people helping out this week mostly because it were a lot of the same people who helped and they deserve all the accolades I can give them because we am truly grateful for all the help we have been getting even when things have been going against us.
There are still a few important things to be done but they will be sorted over the next short while with limited disturbance to any classes. The 8 private parks we can offer all our members i’m sure will come in handy throughout all of our classes and there will also be some parking for you on the street during busy classes. It is all part of the large service we try and provide you all.
Make sure you come down and see how far we have come in only a few days and as proven over the weekend the community is super strong and you can recommend us to anyone as you know how legit we are.
Note: If you have left anything behind at Vogel street fear not, we have brought everything with us so just ask me what you are missing and you will be reunited with it this week:)
Monday 28/11/16
Strength: 1RM Clean and Jerk
Find your 1RM in 15min or less
WOD: 4 Rounds for time
9 Deadlift 70/45kg
10 Burpees
6 Power Cleans
10 Burpees
3 Front Squats