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Structure of this training cycle

By December 11, 2017Uncategorized

Our new training cycle has begun and as you can see we are straight into it. The structure of a weeks work will look like this. Note that I have only listed the focus of each session, not sessions in their entirety. There will still be a wod following some of the focus work.

1 day of Deadlifting plus another pulling exercise

1 day of Running Conditioning

1 day with a long EMOM

1 day of Overhead squats plus another olympic lift

1 day with a long Chipper

1 day with a Hero wod

The days will change every week I.E. Deadlifting will be Monday this week but Wednesday the following week. This will help people make the Deadlifting session at some point in case they can’t train on Mondays. We still recommend you take two days off every week. Don’t worry if you miss one of the focus sessions you will have time to make it up over the course of the 12 weeks.

Hopefully this will also show you that CrossFit is by no means random. You will follow a training plan that is programmed to make you stronger and fitter. All you have to do is turn up and have a good time training with everyone else. The strength will follow a normal linear progression where you try to add a little bit of weight each week and the wods will be varied to make sure you don’t miss out on any exercises that will help your strength and fitness.

Enjoy this next training cycle




Monday 11/12/17

Strength: Every 2 min for 10 min

5 Deadlift

Build in weight

WOD: 5 Rounds for Time

15 SDHP 32/24kg

12 Burpees