I hope you got your apparel in on time. It will be picked up this morning. I have heard the weather is bad so make sure you try to get warm before class starts. turn up early and go through some warm up drills or do a couple of things at home or at work before you turn up and turn the heater up in your cars.
I haven’t had that many days to train probably over here and I knew that would happen so I have spent a lot of time on other things like stretching. If you ever have difficulty getting some training in you can always do some stretching. One of the most important things when lifting is being ale to hit a good strong and full position in any type of squat or press. Flexibility will be the order of the day for that. Plus the weather is great over here so the extra heat helps as well for a not so flexible oldie like me.
Wednesday 5/7/17
Strength: Every 2 min for 14 min
3 Power Cleans – 2 Push Jerks
WOD: For Time
Front Squats 70/50kg