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SPC Barbell Club starts tomorrow

There are still spots left for our next SPC Barbell Club. If you feel you need some extra help with the olympic lifts this is the perfect program for you. 6 weeks for just $120. Contact us now for more info and how to sign up.

Top level Weightlifting coach Mark White from Otago weightlifting is back onboard taking you through every session. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn a ton about the sport of weightlifting and improve your technique and strength at the same time.




Monday 15/7/18

Skill: TTB

5 x 10 : 45sec rest between sets

MetCon: Barbell Cycling

0-8min: EMOM

1,2,3,…8 Power Cleans 50-60% of 1RM

Rest @ min 8-9

9-17 min: EMOM

1,2,3,…8 Squat Cleans 40-50% of 1RM

The goal is unbroken sets of Touch n Go reps