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Southern Peak CrossFit

By February 9, 2017Uncategorized

As of last night we have a small name change:) We are thrilled to have this sorted so now we can really start getting the word out there. For everyone who are wanting to sign up for the open under our name have a look through the list when you sign up and see if you can find us. There are still a few details we need to sort out but all the important stuff has been taken care of. Im am extremely happy to officially be part of the CrossFit family. From your point of view not much will change as we have always tried to be as professional as possible but you will now know you are at an official CrossFit facility which follows the principles of that same philosophy. Thank you to everyone who have stuck by us and congratulations you are now officially CrossFitters 🙂




Thursday 9/2/17

Strength: Every 3 min for 15 min

1 Strict Press

3 Push Press

5 Push Jerks

All 5 sets at 90% of 1RM Strict Press

WOD: Partner Wod For Time:


DB Thrusters 20/12.5kg

C2B Pull ups

Partner A performs 27 DB Thrusters while Partner B performs 27 C2B Pull ups when they have both finished their set they switch exercises and they continue in that fashion until all reps are down.

Intensity and teamwork are in focus for this workout