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Skills video segment coming shortly

By January 28, 2017Uncategorized

No matter if you are a seasoned competitor or just wanting to stay fit and healthy there are always skills you can work on and it is important that you know what you need to work on and how you go about it. I will be starting a little Skills 101 video segment which covers some basic exercises and cues you can use to improve whatever skill You need to work on specifically. The reason for starting these videos is to give every member an opportunity to work on something specific before or after each class. It will guide each of you towards a specific result.

Each individual is different in regards to what skill progressions work for them so by giving you more options we are hoping you can take something away and work on that. It will also open a dialog between us in finding out what is the best way to learn new skills.

When we have found some progressions and drills that work for you it is up to you to practice them before or after class. We will let you know which ones are appropriate for warm up drills and which ones you should be warmed up for as the complexity level and power output will vary a lot.

You will be able to watch these videos on our Facebook page and I will make sure to update you every time we post a new video to make sure you don’t miss out on them. I am really looking forward to teaching you guys as much as I can and I am also excited about all the new things I will learn as I dive more into the research on functional skills and drills.




Saturday 28/1/17

Partner WOD: For time

1200m Run

75 Deadlift 80/55kg

50 Burpee box jumps 24/20′

50 Deadlift

25 Burpee box jumps

1200m Run

Partition reps as needed