Shez has qualified for the Masters League finals in Australia. You have come so far with your training even though you keep complaining about how unfit you think you are. One of our main goals will be to give you some more confidence before you fly out. I am sure this will give you heaps of motivation though. There are a few things that still needs to be worked on but we have good time to give you the best possible platform before the comp.
I have trained Shez for awhile now and I am super proud of her reaching such a milestone. During our sessions there are a bit of negative reinforcement from Shez herself, even though she laughs it off most of the time, we need to get her in a good frame of mind for this comp.
I have been making a plan and I am looking forward to starting asap to get you comp ready. There is a lot of fire in you Shez now it’s just time to bring it out at the right time. Time to get to work.
Strength: Bench Press
3 x 8 @ 75%
WOD: 4 rounds for Time
30 Wall Balls 9/6kg
10 Deadlift 100/70kg
1 min Rest