Rere has really embraced CrossFit and she has made some huge strides towards improving her overall fitness.
Rere is from a small town called Opotiki in the Bay Of Plenty. She came to Dunedin to study at Uni and is on her forth year now which means she is almost finished studying and ready to take on the world. Like many students who come from around the country she has enjoyed the student experience in Dunedin but after four years here, she is ready to get some traveling done before real life begins.
Rere has done a bit of CrossFit before, both when she was in high school and also down here back in 2014. It really showed as she picked up the technical lifts with ease.
Rere admits that her main reasons for joining the gym was a bit of unwanted weight gain and also she missed the camaraderie amongst her CrossFit friends. She is loving being back into it, having fun working out but also competing against her friends. She is ready to give it everything until its time to say goodbye to Dunedin. She has never been a big fan of sports but she has been enjoying watching the CrossFit Games. Rere does love swimming and going to the beach but instead of heaps of other sports she is more keen on long hikes especially if there is a waterfall nearby and she likes cooking and baking.
Rere is one of the quieter ones but awesome to have around, plus she has to talk to me when I greet everyone at the front door, most of the time with a loud Hey, How Are You? It is always great meeting new people and seeing Rere enjoying the community is awesome.
Tuesday 8/8/17
Strength: Every 2 min for 12 min
2 Hang Squat Snatches
Build in Weight
WOD: For Time
400m Run
20 DB Power Cleans 22.5/15kg
20 DB Front Squats
20 DB Push Jerks
Accessory Work: 3 Rounds of
15 Lying Hollow Rocks
15 Banded or empty BB Good Mornings