Registration for the open starts Tomorrow. Few things you need to know when you register. Remember to fill out both the AFFILIATE you are at as: Southern Peak CrossFit but also the TEAM you are in as: Southern Peak CrossFit. Even if the Open is an individual competition. Your scores will not go towards Southern Peak CrossFit if you haven’t picked both your AFFILIATE and TEAM. This goes for all athletes no matter what age or level you have signed up as.
The Individual competition works the same way as previous years, but the teams aspects for regionals and games have changed and only consist of 4 athletes this year. If you have goal of competing at Regionals as an individual or team you will need to video your workouts as evidence incase you qualify for Regionals.
Thursday 11/1/18
Strength: Every 2 min for 12 min
3 Power Snatches
Build in weight
Running Conditioning: Every 3 min for 12 min
400m Run
-Scale to every 4 min-
Accessory Work: 4 rounds of
20 V-Ups
40 Plate V-Sit Twist 15/10kg