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Purpose of the EMOM

By December 14, 2017Uncategorized

We will be programing an EMOM every Wednesday for this training cycle. The purpose of the EMOMs will be to give you a better understanding of your capacity for different exercises.

An example of this could be: How many Wall Balls can you consistently hit in a 45 sec window or at what point do you start slowing down. This will give you valuable info for when you do “AMRAPs” (as many rounds as possible) or “RFT” (rounds for time) workouts. You will know if you have gone out too hard or too easy if you know more about your capacity.

Everyone one of you will improve your overall fitness and performance if you know more about your capacity but it is up to you to use this information to the best of your ability. It doesn’t matter if you are a serious athlete or not, we all still want to improve our health and fitness and this is a very powerful way of doing this.

This information will also help determine if you should do certain workouts RX or scaled. current performances will tell you how fit you are and at what point you need to try RX. It is pretty cut and dry, ego shouldn’t even be a factor as it will only lead you down a path of feelings of failure and injury.

Stay true to your capacity and I promise you will see huge improvements and longevity in CrossFit.




Thursday 14/12/17

Strength: Every 2 min for 10 min

1 Power Snatch + 5 Overhead Squats

Build in weight

WOD: 3 Rounds for Time

10 Power Snatch 40/30kg

15 Pull Ups