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We finally got our affiliation sorted and that means we can finish off a lot more things on the list. Our website will obviously go through a bit of a change again with the new Name and Logo and we have ordered our new signage for the building. Make sure you get signed up for the open this coming week and be part of the biggest and most inclusive competition in the world the CrossFit Games Open 17.

The Dumbbells for the open are starting to arrive as well which is good:)

Things are coming together nicely so its just full steam ahead. Again make sure you read the blog as it is the most recent info of what is going on at the gym. So if you miss anything you can read previous blog posts and that will get you up to date.

More new members have been coming through the doors so make sure to introduce yourself if you see a new face.




Saturday 18/1/17

WOD: 4 Rounds for Time

400m Run

50 Air Squats

25 Burpees

15 Power Cleans 60/40kg