I hope you all saw our PR Boards on Instagram. If you are not on Instagram I suggest you set up a profile and follow @southernpeakcrossfit as we put out a lot of content over that platform. You get to see what goes on at the gym on a daily basis if you watch our stories and you will be kept up to date with specialty programs, seminars, competitions training tips and much more.
Reminder about our Gymnastics class this Wednesday 6.30pm. A one off class with CF Regionals Athlete Speedy Thompson. Free for all members. Come prepared to practice your gymnastics.
Tuesday 12/6/18
Strength: Paused Front Squats
3 x 7 @ 55% of 1RM w/3sec pause
MetCon: 3 x 4min AMRAP : 4min Rest
1st: 6 C & J 50/35kg & 10 CTB Pul Ups
2nd: 8 Deadlift & 12 TTB
3rd: 6 Front Squats & 10 Pull Ups