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Outdoor Training Program

By September 1, 2017Uncategorized

As the weather gets better we are seeing a lot more people running in the morning. With our outdoor group we are seeing 10-15 more people starting to get outside and being active but they’re all running alone. It doesn’t look like most of them are enjoying it either. It looks like they are almost forcing themselves to start something just because the weather is better. The thing is if you don’t enjoy getting up early and getting some training in you are not going to continue with it for a reasonable amount of time. The number one reason people keep up their training is if they are with a group of friends.

If you know of anyone who has started running recently but you think chances are they wont stick to it, they might even have told you this personally, tell them to get hold of us. We still do running but we combine it with a lot of body weight exercises and we put the sessions together in a fun and challenging way so it is not just jogging for an hour. and it is for all fitness levels too. From the mum who just wants to get active for a few hours a week, to the hardout who is preparing for their next marathon. The program has different levels of intensity so we all get to work out together and help and inspire each other along the way. We also work a lot on running technique to make sure you get more out of each session you do. If you just want to learn more about how you get better at running there is also a place for you.




Friday 1/9/17

WOD: Chipper

100 Double Unders

50 Sit ups

80 Double Unders

40 Walking Lunges

60 Double Unders

30 Push ups

40 Double Unders

20 Overhead Squats 40/30kg

20 Double Unders

10 Muscle Ups