Even though the weather is freezing we are planning on starting our outdoor program again in August. mainly because I know there are some of you who are fizzing to get back to those sessions. The first sessions we will focus on will be our caledonian sessions and our Saturday sessions. If you would like to join in on this program get hold of us now. I will inform all current participants in the messenger group as well. But we are always looking to increase our group with more new people. The more we have the more fun it is. If you are keen to do some outdoor sessions get hold of us now. It would be great to see you there and if you start now you can get into a good routine before the better weather gets here.
It is always hard to motivate yourself to train especially during the winter months so if you have friends or family members who needs a little help you are always welcome to bring them in for a session with us. We welcome everyone to try us out for free.
Thursday 20/7/17
Skill: 10 min EMOM
1st: 5-10 Strict TTB
2nd: 5-10 Kipping TTB
2 min Rest
4 min EMOM
1st: 20 Lying Hollow Rocks
2nd: 20 Lying Arch Rocks
WOD: 10-8-6-4-2
Power Cleans 70/50kg
Push Jerks