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Opening Hours on Labour Weekend

By October 17, 2017Uncategorized

Opening hours during labour Weekend are as followed:

Saturday (7am Boot Camp, 8am Class & 9am Class)

Sunday (10am GPP)

Monday will be Closed

This means you can work a bit harder during this week as you know you will get an extra rest day, or you can take advantage of our sunday GPP session for an extra sweat session before enjoying a well deserved day off.

Just a reminder to put in your 2 person team for our Beer Pong tourny on the 4th Nov. It will be a BBQ as well so we still want you to turn up even if you are not taking part in Beer Pong. Lets hope for some good weather as well:)We are aiming to start early afternoon while the sun is still up and its warm outside. Feel free to put in your 2 cents about what time would suit. We are thinking 4pm





Skill: Bar Muscle Ups/TTB

10 min warm up w/progressions

10 min EMOM

Level 1: 1-3 BMU

Level 2: Skill transfer to BMU

Level 3: skill transfer to TTB

Note to Nationals Athletes: Don’t do too many reps today you need your hands for the weekend.

WOD: For Time:

15 Power Snatch 60/40kg

50 OHS 20/15kg

15 Burpee over bar