The 2017 Reebok CrossFit Games Open starts today!
if you haven’t signed up already make sure to go to games.crossfit.com to register and pick Southern Peak CrossFit as your Affiliate and Team. We can speculate all we want but no one has any idea what Castro is cooking up so as the saying goes “be prepared for anything”. We have tried to make our program as diverse as possible so everyone should be well prepared. However, in the last few weeks we have done a lot of the exercises that are almost guaranteed to come up during this 5 weeks. I will be at the gym today during the release of the 17.1 so if you are in the neighborhood feel free to stop by.
We currently have 17 people signed up and the goal is 20 so there is still time to get there:) Remember all workouts has an RX and a Scaled option so it is just like our normal program there is an option for everyone. We don’t want you to watch on the sidelines thinking “dammit, I should have signed up”. There are always a few people in that boat so make sure you are not on it.
Thank you to everyone who has done the judges course online, if you haven’t taken the course yet please do as the more judges we have the more we can share the load. We don’t want to put all the work on a select few lets help each other out and make this gyms first Open a memorable one. And come down and support all competitors from 10am-12pm on Saturdays.
The only class that is changed during the open will be Friday evenings class which will be a Prep Class for the Open workout. Saturday stays the same so anyone not doing the Open will still get an opportunity to get a workout in at 9am. Mondays class will be the Open workout so anyone not doing the Open will still get a change to do a variation of the Open wod and anyone wanting to do it again will have Monday to give it another crack.
Hope all this makes sense and you are always welcome to tap me on the shoulder to clarify anything.
Friday 24/2/17
Strength: 12 min EMOM
Odd: 5 Weighted Strict Pull ups
Even: 10 High Box Jumps
WOD: 6 Rounds for Time
50 Double Unders
40 Air Squats
30 Sit Ups
Accessory Work 3 rounds of
10 DB Shoulder Press (AHAP)
10 Renegade Rows (AHAP)