We are getting close to the 60 members we had as a goal before 20/2/17. We are working out new classes for the time table and new gear for all you guys and especially with all the students arriving back in good ol’ Dunners soon. Great to see all you guys getting amongst it. It is just cooler training with other people.
An update for our Open prep program that we are running during the Open for all of you. It will look like this. Friday evening starting 24/2/17 We have a 5.30pm prep class for everyone doing the open so you can prepare for the saturday Open WOD:
During that class we will have one of the best physio’s in town Josh Ong taking us through some mobility specific to the wod movements. He will take us through a specific warm up and give you all some things you should be doing in your Saturday morning warm up. That way you all know what you need to focus on before you start the Wod. Listen to him because he knows his shit!
After the warm up from Josh, we will take you through different aspects of the Wod so you know more about how it will feel and we can make a game plan from there. Everyone can use this because even if you are not competing for the top spot in the world, you are still competing for the top spot in the country, and in the City and in the Gym:)
I apologies for you guys not being able to sign up yet. CFHQ have told me they are having problems with there IT department so bare with us while they sort their end out. As soon as I get the go ahead you can all get signed up.
In the mean while I have cornered off a section on our white board where people can write their name down so we can see who of us are doing the Open. Let me know if you want me to write your name on the white board. I recommend everyone signs up to test their fitness and see where they stack up amongst their friends and others.
Get amongst it team and get excited
Wednesday 15/2/17
WOD 1: For Time
800m Run
25 Overhead Squats 40/30kg
25 Burpee over Bar
-2 min Rest-
WOD 2: 2 Rounds for Time
400m Run
25 Wall Balls 9/6kg
25 HR Push ups
25 Sit ups
-2 min Rest-
WOD 3: 3 Rounds for Time
200m Run
12 Overhead Squats 40/30kg
12 Burpee over Bar
12 Wall Balls 9/6kg