Only 20 Grab One Vouchers left. You need to get yours today if you don’t want to miss out. We would have been happy with 50 people, so 200 new people through our doors is absolutely amazing. What is even more amazing are all the people who decided to stay on after their 4 weeks were up.
You have already received a message from us but if you are keen to continue after you finish your 4 weeks don’t wait for us to get hold of you, take charge of your life, and let us get you signed up now.
Wednesday 13/12/17
WOD: 21 min EMOM
1st: 15 Wall Balls 9/6kg
2nd: 20 Double Unders & 10 KB Swings 24/16kg
3rd: 10 Reverse Lunges & 7 TTB