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Olympic Lifting Program

The beauty with CrossFit is there are always things you can work on and get better at, but to improve something the first thing you have to do, is start. So we are starting to implement specialty programs and the first one is Olympic Weightlifting. At Southern Peak CrossFit we pride ourselves at keeping everybody healthy and being able to modify any workout for the individual when need be. When it comes to the olympic lifts we believe everyone should be capable of doing at least the technique of the lifts, but it doesn’t have to be with heavy weights. In making sure you are all getting the most out of the workouts we feel it is necessary to start a Program specific to teaching people these lifts. It keeps you safe and the classes more valuable.

We would recommend this program to anyone new to our classes and anyone who is unsure of the right technique and who might just need a little more time to learn them.

The details of the program are as follow:

Focus: Olympic Weightlifting (Snatch and Clean & Jerk)

Location: Southern Peak CrossFit

Coach: Joe Kelso

Duration: 6 Weeks

Start date & Times: Tuesday 23/5/17 (Every Tuesday & Thursday 7.30-8.30pm)

Aim: Helping Beginner and Intermediate Level lifters improve technique.

Price: $120 for members ($175 for non-members)

If you have any questions regarding this program get hold of us ASAP to get more info and to Sign Up. This program will help to improve your health and fitness plus assist in better your experience of our CrossFit classes.




Thursday 11/5/17

Strength: Every 2 min for 12 min

2 Snatches ( Reset between lifts)

Build in weight

WOD: For Time

18 Overhead Squats 60/40kg

100 Double Unders

15 Overhead Squats

75 Double Unders

12 Overhead Squats

50 Double Unders