As soon as this guy heard I was opening a gym he was on to me. No hesitation, and what a great guy to have as part of our community. Pete Ryder was instrumental in the success of CrossFit Dunedin under Welshie & Speedy and I was super pleased that he thought of our little gym as a natural progression to continue his training. He is one of the nicest guys you will meet and he is always positive and I am sure his positive outlook on life will rub off on many of our members. On the other hand he hates when people make a big deal about him so he might not like all these compliments, but tough..- they are on the web now for everyone to read:) Make sure to introduce yourself when you see him.
We have had an amazing response in the first week, we are closing in on 40 members which is a lot more than we could have hoped for. It warms my heart to see guys and girls of all ages working out together and really showing everybody it doesn’t matter what level of fitness you are at. Coach Greg Glassman said years ago “our needs don’t vary by kind, only by degree” and looking around the gym that still holds true today.
Friday 02/09/16
Strength: Back Squat
Option 1: Build to a 6RM
Option 2: Work on technique in sets of 6 reps
WOD: 12 min AMRAP
10 Front Squats 70/45kg
200m Run
Time table Note:
I would love to see a little boost in numbers on our Monday-Thursday 6.30pm GPP classes. Otherwise we will make it a normal Metcon class for those people who still would like to follow the daily program but can’t make it at 5.30pm. Lets get the gym pumping at 6.30pm. GPP is a great class to bring a friend to or for new members to try out. It would be great to get some feedback on that one, so we can continue to deliver the best possible time table for all of our members.