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Normal Schedule on Queens Birthday

Just reminding everyone that we have a normal class schedule this Monday so no one will miss out on training. Come down and get your training in before enjoying a day off.

More equipment and bits n pieces are coming to the gym today and next week. One thing that will excite a lot of you is, we are getting some benches so we can finally add bench press to the strength focus in the next program cycle starting in two weeks. It will be paired with back squats so make sure you get involved with that. Always good to practice and learn new exercises. we will also be bringing Hero Wod Saturdays back for another round. It will give you a good opportunity to compare wod times from last time as I am sure we will revisit a couple of the old ones. So be prepared for that coming up soon.

Again, get you and your teammate signed up for next weekend. Wods have been finalized and they are tough but inclusive of all members. And make sure to get your friends down to take on the Assault Bike for the 60 sec Calorie Assault:) Free week of classes to anyone who take it on and 1 Month free membership to the best Man and Woman who accumulates the most calories.




Friday 2/6/17


Every min for 5 min:

50 Double Unders

Every min for 5 min:

10 Handstand Push ups

Every 2 min for 10 min:

200m Sprint

Every min for 10 min:

1 Round of Cindy:

5 Pull ups

10 Push ups

15 Air Squats