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We are testing our 2RM for Front Squat and Strict Press next week. The following week we are into a new training cycle which focuses on Back Squat and Bench Press for the strength and Power Cleans and Power Snatches both from the floor and from the hang position. It doesn’t meant we are not doing the full lifts, it just means there will be more focus on you being explosive through the hips and develop a strong second pull. This will help your full lifts. It will also give people with mobility/flexibility issues a chance to develop some good technique in the power positions without compromising their joints too much. So make sure if you have any issues you start stretching more often than you have been and by the time we start focussing on the full lifts you should have improved your mobility/flexibility to a point where the full lifts are safer more technically correct.

The Bench Press will help your shoulder, triceps and chest strength. Which are muscles used for all pressing movements. However, on a flat bench and using a barbell you will be able to develop more strength than we have been able to so far. With the barbell, you can load more weight on than our range of DB’s have allowed you to, and the bench will allow you to hit full range of motion which lying on the floor haven’t allowed for. These are two of the main reasons that you will see a huge improvement straight away. The last is Lat Activation. In the bench press, lying flat allows you to utilize your back muscles to stabilize the lift and press more weight out. The more upright you get in a press, the less your back muscles help you hence why you can lift more weight on a flat bench, than you can on an incline bench or a shoulder press. Giving you a chance to do bench press will hep you overload the pressing movement a bit, which will improve your pressing strength and muscle endurance. It will also carry over to other pressing exercises. We will of course go through correct technique and body/hand placement throughout the cycle to give you the best improvements possible.




Tuesday 6/6/17

Skill: Double Unders

2 min Max Reps

1 min Rest

1 min Max Reps

1 min Rest

30 sec Max Reps

WOD: 20 min AMRAP

10 L-Sit Pull Ups

25 Overhead Squats 40/30kg