It is time to get some more Southern Peak CrossFit Apparel out on the streets:) so we are now taking orders again so you can get your T-Shirt or Hoodie with our CrossFit Logo on it. Same prices: T-Shirts $35 and Hoodies $60. Pay me when you order them and I’ll sort out a bulk order for everyone.
Still some things to sort out regarding colours but all sizes are available again. And we will be using AS Colour as the brand.
Get your order in now 3 – 2 – 1 GO!
Wednesday 29/3/17
WOD #1: 3 Rounds each for Time
400m Sprint
90 sec rest between efforts
WOD #2: 15 min EMOM
1st: 12 DB Squat Cleans 22.5/15kg
2nd: 6 DB S2OH – 8 TTB
3rd: 8 Wall Balls 9/6kg – 10 Sit Ups