First week back has been fantastic. Great to see everyone throw down again and see how much you guys have improved as well. I got a lot of awesome feedback from both the coaches and members which means everything went as well as I could have expected so thank you very much for that. It has also given me great insight in what we need to continue doing and what needs to change a little bit. Lucky for everyone nothing much needs to change at this stage.
Even with all the things that hasn’t been sorted out at our gym yet it is absolutely fantastic that we keep increasing in members. It must mean that the most important thing in a CrossFit community isn’t how flash the place is but who is around. Great coaches to keep all members improving and learning new things and awesome members to bring everyone together and just make sure everyone has a good time and are having fun at classes. I think todays blog post photo shows exactly that. I am blown away by the support we get every day and it just makes me want to do even more for our community. 5 weeks away from the place will also help the motivation a lot, which is has and I am ready to get right into work.
Friday 21/7/17
WOD: 20 min AMRAP
10 HSPU (Strict if possible)
20 Burpees
30 KB Goblet Walking Lunges 24/16kg