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Motivate your friends during winter

How many of you are jealous of all the new apparel you missed out on. We will be making a new order. If you are keen to get involved make sure you get hold of me ASAP.

Winter is approaching and we all know how hard it can be to stay motivated this time of year. The thing is, at SPC you guys rarely struggle with motivation because of who you are and the environment you train in. Time to drag all your friends in to show them winter doesn’t have to be this dark and sad time of the year where you struggle to get the days started. It can be an awesome time of the year where you hang out and train with your friends and make new goals for how good you want to look and feel during summer. Time to start planning and get things happening.

We always welcome you to bring a friend in to try CrossFit out. Remember how you got hooked on CrossFit. How good it feels to have something to focus on outside of work. An hour a day just for you, and you get all the physical and mental benefits of a good training session.

Keep fighting the good fight




Monday 23/4/18

Gymnastic Conditioning:

4 Sets of 50% of max Muscle Ups +1

MetCon: 23 min AMRAP

400m Run

21 KB Swings 24/16kg

15 Wall Balls 9/6kg

9 CTB Pull Ups