As expected we are not done with the Dumbbells in the Open but luckily our last DBs just turned up so now we can really get some people through the heats so we will plan to have 3 heats with around 7 in each for todays Open session. 9am class is of course still on so if you are not in the Open get your daily CrossFit fix with our Saturday Wod.
As most of you have noticed we keep trying to find the best way to store all the equipment so things do get moved around a little but we have almost got all of our racks and shelves and other stuff now so it shouldn’t be long now till we have found the best option. Then its just trying to add more equipment to make sure you have the best quality stuff and enough of it. In time we will get there:)
I am also in the process of sorting out an “End of The Open” Party so make sure you keep Saturday 25th March FREE. We will keep you posted on venue and time. I am telling you all early because it would be great to have as many members attend as possible.
Saturday 4/3/17
WOD: For Time
2 Rounds of
400m Run
30 Thrusters 20/15kg
30 Sit Ups
3 Rounds of
200m Run
20 KB Swings 24/16kg
20 HR Push ups
50 Double Unders